Guidelines in an emergency
Anyone who feels that they are experiencing a crisis and feels in need of immediate support may want to contact one of the following:
the Samaritans (24 hours UK phone number) or the Befrienders International. You can also email the Samaritans at (visit their site to do this)..
Signs of crisis may include feelings/thoughts about suicide or about harming others. If If you are in crisis, it is vital that you take immediate action for yourself.
A few breathing practices
A few resources
There are many useful resources online but please remember it is important to make your own choices and be selective. Here is just a small selection that might be useful, including links to external sites.
Tara Centre, Lancaster, UK
A not-for-profit healling community offering support in the local area
Anxiety UK
A UK national charity providing support for anxiety issues.
GreaterGoodBerkley Magazine (online) for various articles and resources about mindfulness etc.
The Healing Trust formerly called the National Federation of Spiritual Healing
Lancaster Quakers, Friends Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, UK LA1 1TX
A few mindfulness and compassion organisations:
The compassionate mind foundation (audios)
Some resources from the Mindfulness Centre for Research and Practice at Bangor University